In 2020 the world was hit with a devastating pandemic, which temporarily closed millions of small businesses around the world, including Granny's Attic.
After almost a year of paying rent of a studio we could not work in, we were on the brink of permanent closure, and as a last ditch attempt to save our little studio, Esme started a Tarot project, the idea was to take enough pre-orders for a new 78 card tarot deck, to keep our shop open. Defying all of our expectations, the tattoo lovers out there dug deep and gave incredibly generously, allowing us to not only save the shop, but exceed our target, and in turn, ensuring the long-term survival of Granny's Attic Tattoo Parlour. And if you out there reading this are one of the many people who pledged, from the bottom of our Granny hearts - thank you, thank you,THANK YOU!
This page is information all about this deck - if you are interested in buying a copy you will be able to do so from October 2021 from Esme's Etsy Page.
If you already purchased a deck and are here to learn more about the meanings of each card in the deck, and more about how to read the cards, please continue to read below...
Thank you for bearing with us whilst we continue to update this page - we will keep adding more detailed info on Tarot readings and each individual card as soon as we have finished fulfilling the Kickstarter Rewards. Thanks you so much for supporting the studio <3
Types of Readings:
YES or NO readings:
A simple reading technique is to ask a simple and clear YES or NO question to the deck and select one card. Each card has an answer key in this leaflet, and the answer is the opposite if the card is pulled in reverse.
Please note that although there is a general consensus in the Tarot world on which cards usually indicate yes and which no, there is debate on the answers for a lot of the cards, so I have used the answers that I personally believe are most connected with the cards in this particular deck. i.e. just because I have listed them here as YES, it doesnt mean that card is universally a YES with every other deck and vice versa.
Some people simplify a YES/NO reading by simply saying if any card is upright, it is a YES, and if it is REVERSE it is automatically a NO. If you’d like to read in that way, this is perfectly acceptable. However, if you would like to become more connected with the cards and each of their individual meanings, then they each have a specific answer listed in the following pages
The 3 Card Spread:
The first card pulled represents the past, the second represents the present and the third represents the future.
The Week Ahead:
This is a seven card spread where you decide which day you start at, and the rest of the cards represent the subsequent days.
Shuffling the deck:
For more accurate guidance, make sure you hold the deck before shuffling, and spend some time focussing on the issues or questions that you would like guidance regarding.
Method 1:
Cut the deck into multiple piles (all face down) and pile those piles back into one deck again, some reverse, some upright, but all remaining face down
Method 2:
Cut the deck in two, and fan those piles together, with one pile upright and one reverse, but all remaining face down
Method 3 (my personal favourite!)
Lay all the cards face down on the table, and use your hands to spread them out in one big messy pile, and then tidy the cards all back into one pile ensuring all cards remain face down. Ruminate on the issues you would like guidance on while doing this for a more accurate reading.
There are 3 pieces of information listed with each card. You must shuffle the deck with all the cards face down, and keep them all facing down, but split the deck and rotate half before you so you have some cards upright, and some reversed when you eventually come to picking them (see diagram below).
The meaning of a card changes significantly depending on whether the card has been selected upright or reversed.
The major arcana are a selection of 22 cards that are considered to be the core foundation of the deck. Together, they tell stories of spirit travels, starting with the innocent naivety of 0 - THE FOOL, a child-like character, excited for their upcoming adventure, and arching through tales of humanity’s spiritual evolution all the way to the fulfilment, harmony and completion of 21 - THE WORLD.
0 - Fool
Upright -
Meaning: New beginnings, independence, innocence, spontaneity, freedom, adventure
Answer: YES
Reverse -
Meaning: Recklessness, risks, impulsiveness, naivety, distracted, gullible
Answer: NO
1 - The Magician
Upright - desire, willpower, ability, concentration, manifestation, resourcefulness
Answer: YES
Reverse - untapped or wasted talent, lack of foresight/planning, manipulation, deception, trickery
Answer: NO
2 - The High Priestess
Upright - intuition, subconscious mind, spirituality, mystery
Answer: YES
Reverse - repressing intuition, cognative dissonance, confusion, secrets, withdrawal
Answer: NO
3 - The Empress
Upright - fertility, abundance, creativity, femininity, nature, beauty, nurture, motherly
Answer: YES
Reverse - lack of growth/progress, creative void, smothering, dependence, emptiness
Answer: NO
4 - The Emperor
Upright - control, authority, structure, fatherly
Answer: YES
Reverse - excessive dominance, obstinance, tyranny, domineering
Answer: NO
5 - The Hierophant
Upright - tradition/institution, morality, ethics, spiritual wisdom
Answer: Neutral - seek guidance from a mentor
Reverse - inner wisdom, personal belief, freedom from conformity, rebellion
Answer: Neutral - seek guidance from a mentor
6 - The Lovers
Upright - partnership, interpersonal connection, duality, union, love, mutually exclusive choices
Answer: YES
Reverse - self-love, lack of balance, disharmony, conflict, detachment, indecision, bad choices
Answer: NO
7 - The Chariot
Upright - control, direction, willpower, determination, success
Answer: YES
Reverse - lack/loss of direction, aggression, lack of control, powerless
Answer: NO
8 - Strength
Upright - bravery, compassion, inner-strength, stamina, determination, courage
Answer: YES
Reverse - self-doubt, lack of energy, weakness, inadequacy, cowardice
Answer: NO
9 - The Hermit
Upright - introspection, choosing to be alone, soul-searching, contemplation, solitude, reflection
Answer: YES - but requires time
Reverse - lonlieness, isolation, rejection, withdrawal
Answer: NO
10 - The Wheel of Fortune
Upright - karma, destiny, pivotal moment/a turning point, changes, cycles, inevitability
Answer: YES
Reverse - bad luck, resisting change, lack of control
Answer: NO
11 - Justice
Upright - truth, clarity, fairness, law, honesty
Answer: Neutral (justice is about balance, meditate on both YES and NO answers to your question)
Reverse - unfair, dishonesty, unaccountable, decietful
Answer: Neutral (justice is about balance, meditate on both YES and NO answers to your question)
12 - The Hanged Man
Upright - important/worthy sacrifice, suspension, change, pause, gain new perspective, insight, enlightenment, martyrdom, contemplation
Answer: Maybe (have patience)
Reverse - resistance, indecision, needless sacrifice, stagnation, apathy, disinterest
Answer: NO
13 - Death
Upright - new beginnings, change, endings, transition, transformation, release, letting go
Answer: YES when your answer requires a change, NO if your question doesn’t require a change
Reverse - rejecting/resisting change, purge, decay, stagnation, fear of letting go
Answer: NO
14 - Temperance
Upright - tranquility, calm, peace, moderation, patience, balance, purpose
Answer: YES
Reverse - imbalance, dissonance, recklessness, extremes, excess
Answer: NO
15 - The Devil
Upright - restriction, powerlessness, dependency, addiction, sexuality, excess, attachment, materialism, oppression
Answer: NO
Reverse - freedom, release, regaining power and independence
Answer: YES
16 - The Tower
Upright - chaos, disaster, disturbance, catastrophe, trauma, sudden change, awakening, revelation
Answer: NO
Reverse - avoiding disaster, resisting change, postponing the inevitable, transformation
Answer: YES
17 - The Star
Upright - renewed hope, spirituality, faith, inspiration, positivity, rejuvenation, healing
Answer: YES
Reverse - hopelessness, despair, despondence, negativity
Answer: NO
18 - The Moon
Upright - intuition, subconscious, anxiety, illusion, secrets, projecting fear, nothing is as it seems.
Answer: NO
Reverse - confusion, fear, repression, misunderstanding, burying emotions
Answer: NO
19 - The Sun
Upright - Joy, Success, positivity, vitality, celebration, optimism, truth, warmth
Answer: YES
Reverse - pessimism, conceitedness, misery, negativity, sorrow, misplaced/excessive and unrealistic optimism
Answer: NO
20 - The Last Judgement
Upright - rebirth, reckoning, awakening, reflection, decisions, purpose, renewal
Answer: Maybe - leaning towards YES
Reverse - self-doubt, missed/ignored opportunity, low self-awareness, self-hate, failure to learn
Answer: Maybe - leaning towards NO
21 - The World
Upright - fulfilment, completion, belonging, harmony, wholeness, achievement
Answer: YES
Reverse - lack of closure, incomplete, emptiness, short-cuts
Answer: NO
This suit represents primal energy, passion, inspiration, determination and ambition.
Associated with the element fire. Consider this when pulling wands cards - fire is like human willpower, it can be volatile, powerful, destructive and has limitless potential that can be used for ultimate good or ultimate evil.
Ace of Wands
Upright - willpower, creation, potential, inspiration, growth
Answer: YES
Reverse - creative block, lacking passion/energy/direction, delays, distractions
Answer: NO
Two of Wands
Upright - future plans, progress, taking risks, first steps, plans
Answer: MAYBE
Reverse - failure to plan or bad planning, avoiding risks, fear of the unknown
Answer: MAYBE
Three of Wands
Upright - progress, foresight, opportunities, travel, growth and expansion
Answer: YES
Reverse - obstacles, delays, difficulties, disappointment, poor foresight
Answer: NO
Four of Wands
Upright - home, reunion, community, celebration, joy, rest
Answer: YES
Reverse - conflict with others, transition/transience, harmony only within oneself, lack of support
Answer: NO
Five of Wands
Upright - rivals, conflict, competition/competitiveness, arguments, not listening to others
Answer: NO
Reverse - resolving disputes + accepting differences with others, conflict within oneself
Answer: YES
Six of Wands
Upright - success, being celebrated, public recognition, achievements, victory
Answer: YES
Reverse - failure, lack of support, delays to success or goal, fall from grace, egotism
Answer: NO
Seven of Wands
Upright - Defence, protection, standing up for self or beliefs, challenge, competition, perseverance
Answer: YES (as long as you stand firm)
Reverse - Defeat, giving up, exhaustion, overwhelmed,
Answer: NO (unless you are willing to fight with everything you have for the answer to be yes)
Eight of Wands
Upright - alignment, movement, travel, quick decisions, sudden changes, speed, progress, journey
Answer: YES
Reverse - delays, losing momentum, waiting, lack of preparation, mistakes due to hastiness
Answer: NO
Nine of Wands
Upright - resilience, courage, grit, a last stand, fatigue, persistance, injury, learning from past failure, resolve
Answer: No - not yet
Reverse - stubborn, falling at final hurdle, chip on shoulder, giving up
Answer: Yes - for now
Ten of Wands
Upright - Burden, responsibilities, heavy load, extremely hard work, obligations, stress, completion and endings
Answer: No
Reverse - failure to delegate, collapse, breakdown, release
Answer: No
Page of Wands
Upright - inspiration, exploration, energy, vitality, adventure, cheer, free spirit, boundless potential
Answer: YES
Reverse - haste, tantrum, boredom, unreliable, lack of inspiration, impatience
Answer: NO
Knight of Wands
Upright - passion, bravery, inspiration, taking action, energy, impulsive, heroic, free spirit, rebellious
Answer: YES
Reverse - haste, no self-control, scattered thinking, delays, recklessness, frustration, volatile, arrogance
Answer: NO
Queen of Wands
Upright - Courage, charisma, vivacious, confidence, optimistic, independent, passion, social, stability
Answer: YES
Reverse - greed, vengeance, lack of confidence, jealousy, selfish, cruelty
Answer: NO
King of Wands
Upright - natural leader, visionary, bold, optimistic, daring, seizing control, creativity and passion
Answer: YES
Reverse - forceful, domineering, vicious, tranny, weak leadership, haste, impulsive, ruthless
Answer: NO
The Suit of Cups
This suit represents the unconscious, intuition, emotions as well as how we express our emotions, and how they influence others, and our creativity.
Associated with the element - water. Water can be representative of human emotions. It can take the shape of the space it fits into, it can transform completely into ice or steam in extreme conditions, it is beautiful and life-giving, but when trapped for too long can become stagnant and unhealthy,
Ace of Cups
Upright - intuition, emotional awakening, creativity, spirituality, love, compassion, new relationships
Answer: YES
Reverse - creative block, lack of love or lack of feeling loved, emotional loss, emptiness, repressed emotions
Answer: NO
Two of Cups
Upright - partnership, love, unity, connection, mutual respect, attraction, intimacy,
Answer: YES
Reverse - tension, communication issues, lack of balance in relationships, separation, rejection, social withdrawal, disharmony
Answer: NO
Three of Cups
Upright - celebration, friendship, creativity, collaboration, support, community
Answer: YES
Reverse - independence, social excess, scandal, loneliness, solitude, gossip
Answer: NO
Four of Cups
Upright - melancholy, disconnection, boredom, apathy, contemplation, meditation, missed opportunities, regret, introspection
Answer: NO
Reverse - reconnection, reaching out for opportunities, moving on from regret, proactive, motivation
Answer: YES
Five of Cups
Upright - loss, grief, mourning, lack of foresight or lack of seeing the bigger picture, disappointment, self-pity, misery, failure, pessimism
Answer: NO
Reverse - acceptance, moving on, finding peace, positivity, forgiveness - especially self-forgiveness.
Answer: YES
Six of Cups
Upright - nostalgia, comfort, sentimentality, innocence, joy, childhood memories, healing, home town, reunion, simple pleasures
Answer: YES
Reverse - wallowing in the past, holding onto (or being inhibited by) the past, leaving home, independence, painful memories
Answer: NO
Seven of Cups
Upright - searching for meaning or purpose, abundant opportunities, illusion, fantasy, daydreaming, wishful thinking, good decisions
Answer: NEUTRAL - this card warns us to think hard about our choices - the most tempting answer might be the most deceptive
Reverse - disarray, confusion, distractions, lack of clear purpose, chaos, bad choices, deception
Answer: NEUTRAL - this card warns us to think hard about our choices - the most tempting answer might be the most deceptive
Eight of Cups
Upright - abandonment, letting go, searching for truth or meaning, escape, disappointment, withdrawal
Answer: NO
Reverse - drifting, stagnation, monotony, fear of change, staying in an undesirable situation, accepting an unacceptable situation
Answer: YES
Nine of Cups
Upright - contentment, achievements, success, recognition, pleasure, wishes fulfilled, gratitude, luxury, stability
Answer: YES
Reverse - underachieving, arrogance, pomposity, emotional emptiness
Answer: NO
Ten of Cups
Upright - Happiness, domestic harmony, stability, security, fulfilment, happiness, familial love
Answer: YES
Reverse - domestic disharmony, isolation, loneliness, unstable or volatile relationships, lack of support
Answer: NO
Page of Cups
Upright - innocence, daydreamer, naivety, inner child, curiosity, abundant possibilities, creative opportunities, intuition, inspiration
Answer: YES
Reverse - creative block, immaturity, emotional vulnerability, lack of self-care and lack of belief in own capabilities, insecurity, escapism, secrecy, embarresment or shame about creative desires
Answer: NO
Knight of Cups
Upright - creativity, charm, imagination, beauty, romance, grace, diplomacy, idealist
Answer: YES
Reverse - unrealistic ambitions or hopes, tantrums, erratic moods, jealous, vain
Answer: NO
Queen of Cups
Upright - intuitive, emotional stability, compassionate, loving, warm, healing, supportive, calm
Answer: YES
Reverse - insecurity, emotionally fragile, dependant, martyr
Answer: NO
King of Cups
Upright - wise, emotional stability, balance, compassion, diplomacy, devoted
Answer: YES
Reverse - emotional manipulation, selfish, repression, erratic moods, lack of emotional balance and control, vindictive
Answer: NO
The Suit of Swords
This suit represents the human capacity for logic, thought, intelligence and communication. This suit will usually indicate power and intellect, but also has many associations with sorrow.
The suit of swords are associated with the element - air, which is particularly representative of the forceful and powerful nature of the Swords cards.
Ace of Swords
Upright - new idea or breakthrough, clarity, concentration, vision, force, focus, truth, success, mental agility
Answer: YES
Reverse - chaos, hostility, poor communication and confusion, incorrect assumptions
Answer: NO
Two of Swords
Upright - deadlock, burdensome decisions, confounded, confusion, missing information, impasse
Answer: NO
Reverse - indecision, hesitance, anxiety, stalemate, two choices with two bad outcomes
Answer: NO
Three of Swords
Upright - Sorrow, misery, heartache, separation, trauma, loss, grief, betrayal
Answer: NO - NOT YET
Reverse - healing, forgivness, reconciliation, releasing pain, compromise, sharing emotion and gaining support
Answer: Maybe - leaning to YES
Four of Swords
Upright - rest, rejuvenation, calm, peace, sanctuary, relaxation, self-preservation, meditation
Answer: YES
Reverse - Burnout, exhaustion, collapse, debilitation, stagnation, restlessness, awakening, re-entering a world
Answer: NO, perhaps later
Five of Swords
Upright - defeat, surrender, aggression, deception, abuse, bullying, violence, conflict, getting ahead at whatever cost, intimidation, betrayal, destructive relationships, dog eat dog
Answer: NO
Reverse - remorse, regret, reconciliation, compromise, resolving or ending conflict, ruminating on mistakes
Answer: NO
Six of Swords
Upright - Moving on, learning lessons, departing, creating distance, transition, change, releasing hurtful memories or situations, letting go, calm after storm
Answer: YES
Reverse - living in past, heading for trouble, being trapped, resisting change, unfinished business
Answer: NO
Seven of Swords
Upright - deceit, lies, cheating, thieving, scheming, risky antics, sneaky, manipulative, cunning
Answer: NO
Reverse - confessions, guilty conscious, regret, secrets or truths revealed
Answer: MAYBE - as long as you are honest
Eight of Swords
Upright - restricted, helpless, controlled, silenced, trapped, imprisonment, persecution
Answer: NO
Reverse - Escape, freedom, relief, solutions, regaining control, surviving, strength, bravery
Answer: YES
Nine of Swords
Upright - fear, anxiety, despair, nightmares, insomnia, sorrow, fearful omen, pestilence, death
Answer: NO
Reverse - guilt, regret, shame, recovery, coping, accepting help, letting go
Answer: NO
Ten of Swords
Upright - ruin, failure, endings, exhaustion, death, deep wounds, betrayal, pain, bitterness, collapse
Answer: NO
Reverse - survival, healing, improvement, lessons, recovery, regeneration, near death experience, luck
Answer: YES
Page of Swords
Upright - curiosity, communication, delays in/new methods of communication, patience, inspiration, mental agility, quick wit, truthful, excitement
Answer: YES
Reverse - careless, frivolity, haphazard action, gossip, insults, rude, poor planning, haste
Answer: NO
Knight of Swords
Upright - daring, ambitious, perfectionist, fast-thinking, driven, impulsive, action, change, heroic
Answer: YES
Reverse - missed opportunities, cowardice, aggression, ruthless, arrogant, forceful, tactless, impulsive
Answer: NO
Queen of Swords
Upright - independent, unbiased, direct, fair, constructive, honest, perceptive
Answer: YES
Reverse - pessimistic, malicious, deceitful, unforgiving, malicious, bitter, ruled by irrational and erratic emotions, cold-hearted
Answer: NO
King of Swords
Upright - strength, authority, intelligent, logical, disciplined, mental clarity, power, truth
Answer: YES
Reverse - callous, irrational, dictator, tyrant, brutality, oppression, lack of structure/routine, corrupt
Answer: NO
The Suit of Pentacles
The Pentacles are associated with material aspects of life, with a focus on work, career, finances, possessions and wealth.
The Pentacles are associated with the element - Earth. Earth is tangible and stable - it is the foundation, the material, on which every earthly being grows, and it supports and nurtures the plants and creatures that live on it.
Ace of Pentacles
Upright - work or financial opportunity, abundance, prosperity, stability and security, manifestation
Answer: YES
Reverse - missed opportunities, bad financial choices, excessive spending, investing poorly, scarcity deficiency
Answer: NO
Two of Pentacles
Upright - balance, adaptability, resourcefulness, flexibility, capable, accomplished, skilled, expert,
Reverse - loss of balance, overwhelmed, chaos, disorganisation, mess, disorganisation, exhaustion
Answer: NO
Three of Pentacles
Upright - collaboration, apprenticeship, honing a skill, effort, learning, craft, recognition
Answer: YES
Reverse - unwilling to learn, bad work, repeating mistakes, apathy
Answer: NO
Four of Pentacles
Upright - hoarding, savings, reluctance to share, frugality, guardedness, control, conservatism, greed
Answer: No
Reverse - living outside means. financial insecurity, generosity, sharing, charitable giving,
Answer: No
Five of Pentacles
Upright - hardship, loss, abandonment, struggle, unemployment, isolation, poverty, sickness
Answer: NO
Reverse - positive changes, overcoming strife, recovery from hardship, forgiveness, luck, new employment
Answer: YES
Six of Pentacles
Upright - generosity, community, charity, sharing, giving and receiving, gratitude, equality
Answer: YES
Reverse - abuse of power, inequality, extortion, belittlement
Answer: NO
Seven of Pentacles
Upright - harvest, rewards, results, fruits of labour, progress, patience, planning, perseverance, successful investment, sustainability
Answer: YES
Reverse - poor management, lack of follow-through, laziness, delays, setbacks, waste, lack of growth + progress
Answer: NO
Eight of Pentacles
Upright - skills, mastery, craftsmanship, dedication, accomplishment talent, new job/promotion/qualification, achieving goals, pride in work
Answer: YES
Reverse - lack of passion, interest or inspiration at work, low standards + quality, bad reputation, mediocrity, stagnation, arrogance
Answer: NO
Nine of Pentacles
Upright - deserved rewards, achievements, independence, leisure, self-sufficient, elegance, wisdom, freedom, property, flourishing, luxury
Answer: YES
Reverse - overburdened, strained, reckless spending, superficiality
Answer: NO
Ten of Pentacles
Upright - wealth, financial security, family, community, contribution, old money, inheritance, tradition, ancestry, affluence, foundations, legacy
Answer: YES
Reverse - family disputes, fleeting success, bankruptcy, instability, conflict
Answer: NO
Page of Pentacles
Upright - manifestation, diligent, consistance, studious, grounded, loyal, dependable, skill development, opportunities, clear progress
Answer: YES
Reverse - bad news, lack of progress, procrastination, immature, foolish, irresponsible, lazy, underachiever
Answer: NO
Knight of Pentacles
Upright - patient, practical, loyal, persistent, stable, logical, effective, committed, stoic, efficient, responsible
Answer: YES
Reverse - boredom, stuck feeling, apathetic, irresponsible, weak, impatient, not seeing tasks through to the end, gambling, lack of initiative
Answer: No - not yet
Queen of Pentacles
Upright - Generosity, practical, provider, nurturing, caring, loving, compassion comforting, kind, energy, fertility, prosperity and stability
Answer: YES
Reverse - jealous, selfish, greedy, banausic, gold-digging, intolerant, self-absorbed, intolerant
Answer: NO
King of Pentacles
Upright - abundance, prosperous, mature, successful, business-minded, leader, secure, disciplined, protecter and provider
Answer: YES
Reverse - greed, waste, chauvinist, gambler, exploitation, possessive, financially inept, stubborn
Answer: NO